I believe that blogging can definitely impact the learning that is taking place within classrooms through the merging of technology with coursework. I think that it is imperative that teachers, professors, educators remain steadfast in ensuring that their material can be grasped by their students. Each generation is different, along with the technological advances, therefore, if we are looking to effectively educate people, we must meet them where they are: online. This has been a belief that I have long held, however, it was great to see it fleshed out in the article by John Warner. He mentions the fact of introducing different types of writing prompts (related and unrelated to coursework) which ultimately yielded the results that he was interested in: thought-provoking arguments of substance. This is a part of meeting students where they are! I can remember many times being given “busy-work” by professors and teachers during K-12 which would not always challenge me to grasp a concept, but to keep me occupied. I have always appreciated professors who integrated many facets of technology and activities in order to help students find relatability within the subject matter. In the article written by Fowler, it also supports my thoughts and those of John Warner about how blogging can be used to stimulate ideas or force students to defend a specific viewpoint. This is the perfect type of learning that Warner reflects on within his experience; one that allows for students to learn in their own way and electronically mending different teaching/learning styles. I believe that by utilizing blogging, it helps students become more reflective in their content if there is intentionality behind the activity.